Exports & Share information - Editing a Briefing Book Template | Scribe

Exports & Share information - Editing a Briefing Book Template

  • Fernando Montenegro |
  • 20 steps |
  • 3 minutes
  • ClearpointstrategyClearpointstrategy
Start by logging into ClearPoint Strategy at [app.clearpointstrategy.com/#/home](http://app.clearpointstrategy.com/#/home)

Adding or removing a PDF Cover Page

In order to upload a cover page to ClearPoint, you will first need to create a cover page using Word or PowerPoint and save it as a PDF with the same page size and orientation you plan to use for your Briefing Book. \ By default, this is 8.5″ x 11″ landscape.
Select **Documents** from the Control Panel\ Click on **Briefing Books** under Templates\ Click on the **three dots icon** next to the desired Briefing Book\ Select **Edit Template**\ A new window will appear with options to edit
Select **Documents** from the Control Panel\
Click on **Briefing Books** under Templates\
Click on the **three dots icon** next to the desired Briefing Book\
Select **Edit Template**\
A new window will appear with options to edit
Under **PDF Cover Page**, you will be able to import or drag a file into this area from your library.\ Once you are done uploading a cover page, click **Save**
Under **PDF Cover Page**, you will be able to import or drag a file into this area from your library.\
Once you are done uploading a cover page, click **Save**
When generating a report, you will see the first page is the cover page

Zooming in and out on a Briefing Book

The zoom function can be useful if you need to fit more or less items on a page. For example, zooming out to 90% allows more items to fit on to a single page.
Select **Documents** from the Control Panel\ Click on **Briefing Books** under Templates\ Click on the **three dots icon** next to the desired Briefing Book\ Select **Edit Template**\ A new window will appear with options to edit
Select **Documents** from the Control Panel\
Click on **Briefing Books** under Templates\
Click on the **three dots icon** next to the desired Briefing Book\
Select **Edit Template**\
A new window will appear with options to edit
Adjust the **Zoom** accordingly using the dropdown menu\ Once you are done with your configuration, click **Save**
Adjust the **Zoom** accordingly using the dropdown menu\
Once you are done with your configuration, click **Save**

Password protecting a Briefing Book

Organizations can add passwords to Briefing Book templates. This feature is useful for those who are sharing sensitive information such as finances.
Select **Documents** from the Control Panel\ Click on **Briefing Books** under Templates\ Click on the **three dots icon** next to the desired Briefing Book\ Select **Edit Template**\ A new window will appear with options to edit
Select **Documents** from the Control Panel\
Click on **Briefing Books** under Templates\
Click on the **three dots icon** next to the desired Briefing Book\
Select **Edit Template**\
A new window will appear with options to edit
Use the **Password field** to set the desired password. If this field is left blank, the Briefing Book will not have a password\ Once you are done setting a password, click **Save**
Use the **Password field** to set the desired password. If this field is left blank, the Briefing Book will not have a password\
Once you are done setting a password, click **Save**
When recipients open the Briefing Book PDF document, they will be required to enter a password.

Adding a Watermark

Adding a Watermark to your Briefing Book can be used to protect or indicate the validity of the Briefing Book. A common usage of this field is marking the Briefing Book as a “DRAFT” so that readers know this report is not yet finalized.
Select **Documents** from the Control Panel\ Click on **Briefing Books** under Templates\ Click on the **three dots** icon next to the desired Briefing Book\ Select **Edit Template**\ A new window will appear with options to edit
Select **Documents** from the Control Panel\
Click on **Briefing Books** under Templates\
Click on the **three dots** icon next to the desired Briefing Book\
Select **Edit Template**\
A new window will appear with options to edit
Type the watermark text into the **Watermark field**\ Once you are done, click **Save**
Type the watermark text into the **Watermark field**\
Once you are done, click **Save**
After generating the Briefing Book template, the text indicated in the Watermark field will appear in gray across each page.