External Field Book (v5.6) Connections with DeltaBreed v1.0 | Scribe

    External Field Book (v5.6) Connections with DeltaBreed v1.0

    • Kristen Lind |
    • 24 steps |
    • 48 seconds

      Field Book versions

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      DeltaBreed has been tested with v5.6.10 of Field Book as well as some additional testing with v5.6.20. If you are having interoperability concerns, we recommend returning to the use v5.6.10. These training materials take you through setting up a connection with Field Book v5.6. You can find the training module to revert to the v5.6.10 version[ here.](https://scribehow.com/shared/External_Install_Field_Book_v5610_DeltaBreed_v10__cAPOjSWaQpeeLCxyAwMFDw) You can also find the training module to connect DeltaBreed to the newest version of Field Book v6.0 here (coming soon!).

      Important information to know before you begin

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      In order to import experiment ontologies (traits) into Field Book via BrAPI from DeltaBreed, you must first have experiments with field locations imported into DeltaBreed. Please note that you will need to use Field Book to scan a QR code within DeltaBreed so you will need two devices to set up the connection.
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      In DeltaBreed, the terminology is slightly different than Field Book, though the words mean similar concepts. \ DB "Environment" = "Field" in Field Book\ DB "Experiment" = "Trial" in Field Book\ DB "Observation variable" or "Ontology" = "Trait" in Field Book

      Connect Field Book v5.6 to DeltaBreed

      Sign into Field Book. Go to "settings", Click on "BrAPI" and then click on "auto configure". (This last click step is shown below.)
      Field Book screen with "auto configure" highlighted
      Choose "import new settings". The camera in Field Book will open.
      Choose Actions: import should be choosen
      On a separate device, sign into your DeltaBreed production account by using your ORICD ID associated email and password. - Once you are in to Deltabreed, look at the left hand menu. - Click on BrAPI. - Click on the "Field Book BrAPI Settings" tab. - Use the Field Book camera (make sure that your camera is enabled) to scan the QR code. **Note that the other tab "BrAPI Base URL" and access token can be used together to connect other BrAPI enabled applications to DeltaBreed v0.9 for the purposes of pulling data from the system. Pushing data back into DeltaBreed is not operational at this time and requires a flat file transfer.**
      QR code screen in DeltaBreed
      The system will then reroute you to a DeltaBreed sign in page. You will need to sign in using the same login information that you used to login on your laptop.
      Login page on tablet for DeltaBreed
      Once you have logged in. Authorize Field Book.
      Authorize Fieldbook button highlighted
      Once authorized, Field Book will ask you if you want to make this BrAPI server the default for "import source" or "export source". Choose "import source" as the export feature needs more development and is not operational at this time. Remember to click "save".
      Import Source chosen option
      You can tell if you have a successful connection because you can see that the Base URL matches the rel-test environment that you scanned.
      Base URL that matches DeltaBreed program instance

      Pull DeltaBreed Environments (Experiments) and Traits (Observation variable or ontology) into Field Book

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      There are currently two use cases that exist when a user wants to pull ontology or observation variables into Field Book from DeltaBreed. Both require a BrAPI connection between Field Book and DeltaBreed. 1. Your experiment in DeltaBreed contains the variables you wish to measure. You can then pull the entire experiment into Field Book (recommended). 2. Your experiment in DeltaBreed does not contain the variables or ontology terms you wish to measure and you want to add those without appending your DeltaBreed experiment first.

      Pull complete experiment and ontology from DeltaBreed into Field Book

      In the main view of Field Book, click on "Fields".
      Fields option in Field Book highlighted
      In Field Book, click on the green + button to add environments. You can click on the three dots in the corner of this screen below to filter by program or by trial. Choose the environment you would like to pull from DeltaBreed.
      Load fields screen with filtering options
      Note that this view has been filtered.\ Choose the field/environment you'd like to use and click on "preview field".
      Field of choice option chosen and preview button highlighted.
      In the preview, you can choose primary and secondary identifiers for navigating through entries. This changes the way that the data is viewed in the Field Book app for collection. In this example, "germplasm" and "plot" will be the identifiers for the entries and you will be able to use the black arrows to navigate through those two identifiers.\ Click "save". This imports your environment and observational variables into Field Book.
      Field preview screen