GID: Germplasm IDs are auto-incrementing numbers assigned by the system. **Required if appending existing germplasm.**
Name: User defined germplasm name. **Required**
Breeding Method: DeltaBreed has over 60 predefined breeding methods which can be found in the "breeding methods" tab in the readme file. (More on breeding methods below.) **Required**
Source: Free text description of germplasm origin. If there is an external UID present, assumed to be the source associated with the External UID. **Required**
Female Parent GID and Male Parent GID (two separate columns): GIDs are sequential numbers assigned to every database entry. You can find GIDs associated with existing germplasm via Germplasm Management and in Germplasm List export files. To import offspring of existing database entries, you must identify the parent by GID. **These columns are optional and can be added at a later date.**
Entry Number: Entry number refers to the order of germplasm in the import list (1, 2, 3, ...n). If no entry number is specified in the import germplasm list, the database will assign entry number upon import. **Optional**
Female Parent Entry No and Male Parent Entry No: To import offspring with progenitors de novo (not yer in the database), specify the parent by entry number. **Optional**
External UID: Historical or externally managed data can be imported with external UIDs. Upon import all database entries will be assigned UUIDs and GIDs. Once in the system, only UUIDs or GIDs are considered truly unique germplasm identifiers. **Optional**
Synonyms: List of germplasm synonyms separated by semicolons (;). **Optional**