External: Germplasm template v1.0 | Scribe

    External: Germplasm template v1.0

    • Kristen Lind |
    • 9 steps |
    • 19 seconds

      Skills required

      alert ordinal icon
      This training module assumes that you know how to create a program and manage that program and users in DeltaBreed. To review previous training modules head to the [main training page](https://scribehow.com/shared/External_v09_Beta_DeltaBreed_Training_Module__ofVnXMjZQce-CFUaDWnc8g)and review System Administration and Program Administration.

      Things to remember

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      **GID:** This is a unique system assigned germplasm identifier for your program. It increases sequentially each time you add germplasm to your program. **Entry number:** Refers to the order of the germplasm in the single entry that you are importing. You can input those numbers into your document before you upload if you want to add pedigree information of germplasm that isn't already in the system. If you leave entry number blank, the system will assign using sequential numbers for that data import (ie: 1, 2, 3, 4...) based on the row order.

      Learning targets

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      Using the germplasm template is paramount to uploading germplasm into DeltaBreed. In this section, training materials are focused on understanding the following: - Using the readme, breeding method, and data tabs within the template. - Required versus optional data to include in order to successfully upload germplasm into DeltaBreed.

      Get the template

      Once you are logged into DeltaBreed, click on "import data" on the left hand menu. \ Reminder that this will only be an option if you are assigned to the program as a Program Administrator. Experimental Collaborators or Read Only users will not be able to import data.
      Left hand menu with import data highlighted
      In the "Import Data" screen click on the "germplasm" tab and then the "download the germplasm import template" button. Open the file.
      Download the germplasm template button highlighted

      Readme Tab

      In the template, there are three tabs. In the "Readme" tab, it gives the user the name of the germplasm details that are included in the data tab, their description and whether they are required for successful upload of data into DeltaBreed. \ \*Note that for an initial germplasm upload, only Germplasm Name, Breeding Method, and Source are required. GID is a system assigned value and will be matched to your germplasm when it is imported.
      Germplasm template readme tab with columns
      If there is a "yes, if" in the required column, you will need to check the description to see when that specific detail should be included for successful import. \ For germplasm, including the GID is only required if you are appending germplasm details; including adding pedigree information.
      Germplasm template readme tab with required column highlighted

      More About Germplasm Template Columns

      GID: Germplasm IDs are auto-incrementing numbers assigned by the system. **Required if appending existing germplasm.** Name: User defined germplasm name. **Required** Breeding Method: DeltaBreed has over 60 predefined breeding methods which can be found in the "breeding methods" tab in the readme file. (More on breeding methods below.) **Required** Source: Free text description of germplasm origin. If there is an external UID present, assumed to be the source associated with the External UID. **Required** Female Parent GID and Male Parent GID (two separate columns): GIDs are sequential numbers assigned to every database entry. You can find GIDs associated with existing germplasm via Germplasm Management and in Germplasm List export files. To import offspring of existing database entries, you must identify the parent by GID. **These columns are optional and can be added at a later date.** Entry Number: Entry number refers to the order of germplasm in the import list (1, 2, 3, ...n). If no entry number is specified in the import germplasm list, the database will assign entry number upon import. **Optional** Female Parent Entry No and Male Parent Entry No: To import offspring with progenitors de novo (not yer in the database), specify the parent by entry number. **Optional** External UID: Historical or externally managed data can be imported with external UIDs. Upon import all database entries will be assigned UUIDs and GIDs. Once in the system, only UUIDs or GIDs are considered truly unique germplasm identifiers. **Optional** Synonyms: List of germplasm synonyms separated by semicolons (;). **Optional**

      Breeding Methods Tab

      Breeding Methods is also found on the germplasm template in the second tab.
      Breeding Methods on germplams template
      There are many breeding methods that are already predefined in DeltaBreed. However, if your breeding program needs to add a breeding method, that can be done through [program administration](https://scribehow.com/page/External_Program_Administration_v10__KcYMmR1VRD-R6dRTvfFHjA). If you want to upload germplasm using a new breeding method, you must add that to your program before you attempt to upload germplasm using that method in this template. Please note that the new breeding method will not show up on the germplasm template, but you will be able to use either the full name or abbreviation to upload germplasm into DeltaBreed. For each breeding method, there is an assumed genetic diversity. The breeding method will either be derivative (-), generative (+), or maintenance (0). When filing out the germplasm template, you can use either the BI name or the code in your data set for breeding method.
      Breeding Methods genetic diversity

      Data Tab

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      Before you begin, note that the germplasm template is saved within DeltaBreed with a "text" format and when you download the template from DeltaBreed that format will continue. This will cause alerts when you use numbers within the template. Do not worry. Ignore the warnings as this text format is the most helpful and accurate way to have the template saved so that Excel does not change the date format in other templates.
      Germplasm data template with Excel warnings in number cells
      Entering data for your germplasm is done on the "data" tab which is the third tab in this template.
      Data tab on template highlighted