FOC Direct Order - Govt Team (May 2024) | Scribe

    FOC Direct Order - Govt Team (May 2024)

    • Craig Hansen |
    • 31 steps |
    • 3 minutes
      alert ordinal icon
      Alert! Three (3) fields to complete on FOC Direct Orders. An error message will appear if/when these fields are incomplete. 1. Requested Delivery Date 2. Shipping Country 3. Shipping Method
      information ordinal icon
      FOC Direct QRG consist of 4 Phases: 1. Create Initial Draft Order 2. Use Recipient & One-Time Shipping Address section 3. Add Order Product(s) 4. Activate Order & Tracking

      Phase 1: Create Initial Draft Order

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      **Tip!** If your Account has a '**Completely Processed**' order, you may select the '**Clone with Products'** button in lieu of the '**New Order**' button. Cloning an existing order most likely will reduce the # of clicks ( and save time). If you select the 'Clone with Products' option you are responsible to verify each product line item has shipped on the historical order & each product is currently available (in-stock) for the new order.
      If the Account has no historical Orders to Clone, the next option is to select 'New Order'. From the **Account** page, select the ***drop down arrow*** in the top right corner
      Click "**New Order**"
      Click '**FOC Direct**' Order type
      Click "**Next**"
      Click '**FoC Reason**' picklist field for values to appear. Most Orders will have '**FoC Reason'** = Business Model (i.e. meter is for Patient to use); or = **Demo**nstration (i.e. meter kit stays with HCP/HCO).
      alert ordinal icon
      Alert! DO NOT use the **PO Number** field. This can create a downstream issue in SAP. If you have a PO #, use either the **'*Shipping Street'*** field or the *'**Recipient Name'*** field. Both are valid options to document a PO Number.
      Complete the "**Requested Delivery Date**". This field is the future date the customer is expected to receive the Order based on Standard shipping.
      alert ordinal icon
      Alert! Required field 1 of 3: Requested Delivery Date
      **Request Delivery Date** is 5 business days **after** the Order / Activation date to allow for standard shipping. In this example, the Order Date = 11/17, therefore the **Requested Delivery Date** = 11/24.
      The **Status** field default value is **'Draft'**
      alert ordinal icon
      Alert! Required field 2 of 3: Shipping Country
      Click on **'Shipping Country'** field
      Select **'United States'**
      alert ordinal icon
      Alert! Required field 3 of 3: Shipping Method
      Select **Shipping Method** field and select **'Standard'**. Any value other than Standard requires Manager approval \[documented on the Account\].