To receive approval from the VPAA, the job posting description must include the following information:
1. The **job title** must be included in the advertisement and match exactly with the title in Interfolio Faculty Search and other external advertisements.
2. The advertisement must include a statement indicating that Rice University is **located** in Houston, Texas.
3. **Job duties**, especially teaching, must be stated.
1. *EXAMPLE: Assistant Professor of Accounting to teach undergrad classes, perform high-quality research, and present findings in peer-reviewed publications.*
4. State explicitly **degree requirements** including area of study and date. Always add "or related field" after the preferred area of study, to avoid boxing in the committee.
1. *EXAMPLE: Assistant Professor of Accounting must have PhD in Accounting or related field or have completed the requirements for a PhD by July 1, 202x.*
5. List all **required documents and deadlines**.
6. Include the **EEO statement**.