Faculty: Responding to a Course Reinstatement Request | Scribe

    Faculty: Responding to a Course Reinstatement Request

    • Chelsea Duncan |
    • 12 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • Site.comSite.com
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    Please respond to reinstatement requests within two business days. Course Reinstatement requests not responded to during that time frame, will be approved by eFaculty.
    On your SEADS portal homepage, click "Submitted Forms" to bring down a dropdown menu of options to view.
    Click "Course Reinstatement Requests"
    Click the case number of the Reinstatement Request you would like to view.
    To approve or deny the reinstatement request, click "Faculty Reinstatement Decision"
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    Be sure to look for the button on the right hand side labeled "Faculty Reinstatement Decision."
    Click the drop down
    Select whether you approve or deny the course reinstatement request
    Next, provide a reason why you are approving or denying the request
    Click "Next"
    If you chose "Other" as your reason to approve a reinstatement request, you will be asked to provide more details regarding your decision.
    If approved, you will need to list missing and upcoming assignments.\ If denied, you will need to provide your reasoning for the denial.
    Next, you will select a preformed message that will be included in the notification to the student
    Click "Submit"
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    [[Please note that in accordance with University of West Georgia administrative procedure, students with accounts in good standing are allowed readmittance to a course upon student request prior to the last day of the withdrawal period. Final approval and course reinstatement is at the discretion of your home institution. Please check with your institution if you have any account questions.]]