Faculty: Navigating the SEADS Portal | Scribe

    Faculty: Navigating the SEADS Portal

    • Chelsea Duncan |
    • 8 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • SalesforceSalesforce
    Navigate to [https://seads.ecampus.usg.edu](https://seads.ecampus.usg.edu/s/login/?ec=302&startURL=%2Fs%2F)
    Enter your SEADS username.
    information ordinal icon
    Your new SEADS username is your GoView username, appended with @seads.ecampus
    Enter your password
    information ordinal icon
    If this is your first time logging in, you will need to look for an email from eSuccess that will contain a temporary password for you. You will need to login the first time, using that temporary password, then after that you can click the "Forgot your password" to reset your password to something you choose. If you cannot the email with the temporary password, please reach out to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or you can contact our Help Desk for further assistance.
    Click "Log in"
    This is the SEADS Faculty Portal Home page that comes up once you log in.
    If you scroll on down, you will see your most recent at-risk entries. Here you can click on the Case Number to see the status of an At-Risk Entry.
    Click on Submitted Forms tab to see a list of form options