Faculty: Submit a Grade Change | Scribe

    Faculty: Submit a Grade Change

    • Pratyusha Reddy Vasepalli |
    • 15 steps |
    • 3 minutes
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    • GmailGmail
    • UsgUsg
    Log into the SEADS Faculty Portal at <https://seads.ecampus.usg.edu>
    In the new SEADS Portal, each course section is referred to as a **Course Offering**. To view a list of your course sections, click "Course Offerings" in the top navigation menu.
    Your course sections for the current term are listed under the "Course Offering ID" column. Use the tabs at the top to view courses from previous term. Click on a Course Offering ID to open the the detail page for that section.
    Each student in that section is connected to the class by a Course Connection. You will see a list of all registered students for your course section under "Course Connections." To submit forms for aspecific student (including Grade Changes), click the hyperlinked "Course Connection ID" for that student.
    This will open the detail page for that student's connection to your course. Click on the button under course actions - "Click Here to Submit a Grade Change."
    Review the student and course information on the screen and complete the form as needed.
    When the Grade "F" or "I" or "U" is selected as the Final Grade - "Last Date of Attendance" is required.
    Add optional Internal Comments.
    Review all the information and Click "Next" to Submit the form.
    Read the message and click the "X" to return to the course connection record for the student.
    To view the submitted form/case, click the "Grade Change Requests" tab under the Course Action buttons.
    Each form is created as a "Case" in SEADS. To view details of the submitted form/case, click the case number in the list of submitted cases.
    To view all Grade Changes submitted across multiple courses, click the drop-down menu beside "Submitted Forms" in the top navigation and then select"Grade Change Request."
    Here, you will find all Grade Change forms that you have submitted for the current term. To view a specific form, click the hyperlinked case number. Use the tabs at the top of the list to view submitted Grade Changes for previous terms.
    When a Grade Change Form is submitted, you will receive a confirmation via email containing details of the case.