Faculty: Submitting SEADS At-Risk Entries for Students | Scribe

    Faculty: Submitting SEADS At-Risk Entries for Students

    • Chelsea Duncan |
    • 31 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • SalesforceSalesforce
    • UsgUsg

    Submitting At-Risk Entries for Multiple Students

    Navigate to [https://seads.ecampus.usg.edu/s/](https://seads.ecampus.usg.edu/s/)
    Click "Course Offerings"
    Click on the Course Offering ID for the class that you have students you want to report as "at-risk."
    Click "Click Here to Submit Multiple At-Risk Cases"
    Next, select the students you would like to report as "at-risk"
    Select what outreach you have attempted with the student
    Let us know if the student responded to your outreach attempts.
    Chose your primary concern for the group of students you have marked At-Risk.\ \ \*You will have the opportunity to list additional concerns in a moment.
    Next, you can select any additional concerns you have. You will select an option in the left-hand column, then click the right-hand facing arrow to move the option to the right-hand column. This will allow you to select multiple additional concerns.
    Next, tell us what the student needs to do next. Whenever possible, we like to leave the student knowing what their next steps need to be.
    Lastly, please type in any detailed information you have. This is very helpful, especially when you are submitting multiple entries at once. This is where you could let us know that Student Smith is missing Assignments 4 and 6, and Student Williams is missing Assignments 4,6 and 7. Once you are done, click "Submit."
    Once you have clicked "Submit" you will get this confirmation window. Just click "X" to exit out.
    information ordinal icon
    Student Success Team members have 48 business hours to reach out to the student's you have marked at-risk. Please do not submit tickets regarding missing assignments that are due the same day. The students may not get called in time.

    Submitting an At-Risk Entry for One Student

    Navigate to [https://seads.ecampus.usg.edu/s/](https://seads.ecampus.usg.edu/s/)
    Click "Course Offerings"
    Click on the Course Offering ID for the class that you have students you want to report as "at-risk."
    Click the Course Connection ID besides the student you need to mark At-Risk.
    Click "At Risk Submission"