File Distibution | Scribe

    File Distibution

    • 34 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • BuildflowBuildflow

    File Distribution Methods

    information ordinal icon
    **Tip! There are multiple ways to distribute files from BuildFlow. Share Links, Ordering Prints and Download Links!**

    Share Links

    Folder Share Links

    Click "File Share Link" on a folder you want to Share
    Click which option on how you would like to share your link. 1. View File Share Link - this will bring you to the URL that you can see how the files will display. You can copy this URL and distribute it to who ever you would like. 2. E-Mail File Share Link - This will open you email and input the URL into the body of you outbound email. 3. Copy File Share Link - This will copy you the share link URL into you clipboard so you can paste it where ever you choose.

    File Share Link

    Click into the file you would like to share
    Click the file to view it
    Click the "Stack of Paper" in the top right corner of the file in the viewer. This will give you you version control and other options.
    Click "Share" under version for which version you would like to share
    You have 3 options: 1. View - this will bring you to the URL that you can see how the files will display. You can copy this URL and distribute it to who ever you would like. 2. E-Mail - This will open you email and input the URL into the body of you outbound email. 3. Copy File Share Link - This will copy you the share link URL into you clipboard so you can paste it where ever you choose.
    Click your option
    This is what your URL will look like

    Order Prints and Download Orders

    Click the files you would like to Print
    Once all files are selected click "Order"
    This will bring you to your Project Directory.
    Here you can choose the company and contacts who will be receiving the prints or download order
    Click this checkbox to select recipients