Flashing Your Vehicle Tune File | Scribe

    Flashing Your Vehicle Tune File

    • 14 steps
    • HptunersHptuners
    Make sure you have the latest version of the HP Tuners software installed. For most cases, the Latest Stable version is fine. \ Download Link: [VCM Suite Latest Stable Version](https://files.hptuners.com/VCM%20Suite/VCM%20Suite.msi) If your tuner says you need the latest Beta version, please download and install using this link, instead.\ BETA Download Link: [VCM Suite BETA](https://files.hptuners.com/VCM%20Suite/VCM%20Suite%20\(Beta\).msi) Detailed installation instructions here: [Download, Install, & Open HP Tuners Software](https://scribehow.com/shared/How_to_Download_and_Install_HP_Tuners_Software__u8ak5XcNTq277KinD6ov2A)
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    If you are using an RTD, you will need to use the RTD Flasher software instead of the VCM Editor when reading/flashing tune files. When following these instructions, everywhere it mentions "VCM Editor," you'll use "RTD Flasher" instead.\ Download Link: [RTD Flasher](https://files.hptuners.com/RTD%20Flasher/RTD%20Flasher.msi)
    Launch the "VCM Editor" app on your computer
    Connect your HP Tuners interface to the vehicle and your laptop via USB cable.
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    2003-2007 Classic GM Trucks/SUVs: If you have an aftermarket radio installed, remove the radio fuse from the under hood fuse block before reading/flashing tune files. If you don't, the process may fail.
    Radio fuse location for 2003-2007 Classic GM Trucks/SUVs
    In VCM Editor, click the "Open File" icon on the left of the menu bar
    In the popup window, navigate to where your tune file is saved. If it was emailed to you, it may be in the "Downloads" folder.
    Click the tune file
    Click "Open"
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    If you have purchased credits but have NOT yet licensed the vehicle to your tuning device yet, you need to sync those credits to your device. [How to Resync HP Tuners Interface](https://scribehow.com/shared/Resync_HP_Tuners_Interface__OLaNF7M5RxCBZNjjoB1oEw)
    Turn the key to the ON position, but do NOT start the vehicle. For push-button vehicles: - Ford: press the start/stop button once - GM: press and hold the start/stop button for 5 seconds until the dash illuminates - Mopar: press the start/stop button twice, until it is in the RUN position.
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    Ensure the vehicle battery is in good condition with a full charge. Turn off all accessories (radio, HVAC, headlights, etc.)
    Click the "Write Vehicle" button in the menu bar
    You must license the vehicle/file to your tuning device to flash it. When the license prompt appears, click "Show License Options" \*If it's already licensed, skip to [Step 14](https://scribehow.com/shared/Flashing_Your_Vehicle_Tune_File__6Os88IrPROuYsyxCK2DocQ#459df63c)
    Select the appropriate license option(s) and click "Ok" When asked to confirm the licensing, click "Yes"
    When the Vehicle Writer window appears, make sure the proper write type is selected (usually "Write Calibration", but your tuner will let you know otherwise) and click "Write"
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    **THE WRITE PROCESS MUST NOT BE INTERRUPTED OR YOU MAY RENDER THE ECM PERMANENTLY INOPERABLE!** **Don't do stuff on the computer. Don't mess with stuff on the vehicle. Just wait.**
    Follow any onscreen instructions that may appear. Some vehicles will ask you to cycle the ignition, wait a certain amount of time, etc. When the write process has completed, click "Close" on the Vehicle Writer window and cycle the key OFF before starting the vehicle.