Flex Plan Agreement in AIM | Scribe

    Flex Plan Agreement in AIM

    • 6 steps
    • AccessiblelearningAccessiblelearning
    Navigate to [AIM Portal](https://elbert.accessiblelearning.com/ColoradoMesa/) **You might be asked to sign in - use your MAVzone username and password.** Please Read and Sign any Accommodation Use Agreements when prompted.
    Screenshot of MAV login screen with username and password beneath school logo with tech support information below.
    Click "Flex Plan" on the left menu under "Accommodations"
    Screenshot showing the guidance step previously stated.
    If the Flex Plan is ready for your review (thus been initiated by your instructor and reviewed by EAS), click "View". There is a flex plan for each course according to accommodation requests.
    Screenshot showing the guidance step previously stated.
    After reading your instructor's answers to the questions and if you agree to the plan as written (no adjustments needed), Click "I agree to the statement listed." Click "ACCEPT FLEX PLAN"
    After reading your instructor's answers to the questions and if you agree to the plan as written (no adjustments needed), Click "I agree to the statement listed."

    Steps for Requesting Modifications to the Flex Plan

    See Steps 1-3 for accessing Flex Plan. Add **requested** changes to the "Additional Comment" section or select the alternative answer to the question you wish to modify - all changes will be viewed and reviewed by the instructor and EAS before approval or denial.
    Screenshot showing the guidance step previously stated.
    Click "I agree to the statement listed."\ Click "UPDATE AND REQUEST REVIEW" - Instructor and EAS will review any requested changes and inform you of approval or denial (reverting back to original offer). You will later use the same steps to review and submit your approval of the Flex Plan.
    Click "I agree to the statement listed."\
Click "UPDATE AND REQUEST REVIEW" - Instructor and EAS will review any requested changes and inform you of approval or denial (reverting back to original offer). You will later use the same steps to review and submit your approval of the Flex Plan.
    information ordinal icon
    Once a Flex Plan is agreed upon by all parties, it will be marked as complete in the Status field when in the student Flex Plan module.
    Screenshot showing the guidance step previously stated.
    information ordinal icon
    Selecting View next to a completed Flex Plan will bring up the agreement without the option to make changes.
    Screenshot showing the guidance step previously stated.