Flowsana rule to send a custom email notification (And customize it with Variable Substitution) | Scribe

    Flowsana rule to send a custom email notification (And customize it with Variable Substitution)

    • 8 steps
    • FlowsanaFlowsana
    Steps not shown are: Go to your Workflows, Click Create New Workflow, Select the Project you'd like to apply this workflow to. Now select your Rule trigger/condition, for example, "If task is associated with tag..."
    Select the appropriate tag from your list.
    Select "Then send an email notification to"
    Select who you want to send the email notification to. In this example, "an email address in a custom field"
    Select the appropriate custom field from the list.
    Fill in your desired email subject and body. You can use Flowsana's "Variable Substitution" feature to include fields from the project and task.
    Choose how to apply this rule.
    Click Put Selected Workflow Under Flowsana Workflow Control. Wait for the email that confirms the workflow is in place, and then it can be used!