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    • 15 steps |
    • 32 seconds
    • OrlofOrlof

    Book a property

    After logging in, you are taken to an overview page of the properties available for members. This page is also accessible under Menu - Accommodations- Offers. Select the 'Overview calendar' to see available days and periods.
    In the Booking Calendar, available days and periods are marked in green. What cannot be booked is shown in white.
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    Note that white days are not available for rent
    See explanations of colors in the Booking Calendar
    To view a property or to book, click on 'DETAILS'
    Days that have a border around them are fixed, such as fixed weeks in the summer or weekend rentals in the winter.
    Select the start and end dates of the rental.\ And click "Reserve"
    The reservation is now reserved for 15 minutes. \ To complete the payment, click on 'Finish Payment'.
    Overview of booking information. \ \ You need to fill in your email address and phone number.
    Under 'History,' you can find the history of bookings, download contracts, and there you can also request a cancellation.
    If the booking is unpaid, it is possible to Pay or Cancel.

    Apply for allocation

    When applications for allocation have been opened, a new option will be available in the 'Menu' called 'Applications,' where there will be an option with the relevant name, such as 'Summer 2025'.
    Here you can see the weeks and the properties that are available. You can also see how many options you can apply for.
    By clicking on the gray box, it registers as an option.
    You can click on 'View Application'
    There, it is possible to rearrange the options by using the arrows to the left of the property name and period. \ Also you can Delete an option from your application.
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    "Remember to click on 'Confirm' to register the application. You can also click on 'Clear Selection' to start over. It is possible to modify the application until the application period closes.