GETTING STARTED: Creating, viewing and editing projects and tasks with Project36 | Scribe

    GETTING STARTED: Creating, viewing and editing projects and tasks with Project36

    • 0 step


    Navigate to [](
    One on the Project36 website, scroll to the very bottom of the site and Click "Work Login"
    Enter your email and password or sign in with Google or Apple.
    This will log you into our project management platform.

    The 'Work' platform

    WHen you login, a list of your available projects will be displayed. In this example we will click "Test Project"
    This will open the project, in this instance 'Test Project'
    The project will open and you can now view 5 different tabs. Select 'Overview' to see the project summary...
    This is the Project summary view and this displays all top-level project information. Next, Click "Tasks"...
    This is the tasks view.

    Adding Tasks

    Click "Add Task"

    View Task Detail

    See the detail of any task by clicking on the task...

    Adding Comments, Dates & Setting Notifications

    You can then see the details of the task and can add comments or files to the task...
    Always notify someone of your comment
    Always use the 'Notify' someone option to ensure that your comment will be seen and acted on.
    You should use the comments section to discuss the task. When ready, select the person or persons to be notified and click "Post Comment"
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