Generating a Transaction Listings Report | Scribe

    Generating a Transaction Listings Report

    • Gulfaran |
    • 43 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • MyfundaccountingMyfundaccounting
    Navigate to [](
    Click "Transactions"
    Click "Transaction listings"
    Click this dropdown to change the dates the report is generated for. There are several preloaded options that will enter in a from and to date relevant to your current tax year and selected options
    If you select the date range option you can customise the from and to date by clicking on the box with the "From" date
    And "To" date
    Once you have set the date you wish to generate a report for you can start filtering the data on various selections. The dropdown labelled "Nominal Accounts" will allow you to select one or more of your nominal codes of any class e.g. Current assets, Income, Expenditure etc. Depending on the nominal codes you select the report will only show transactions that include those codes.
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    Tip! If you do not want to exclude any of the options shown in the dropdown you do not need to make a selection. By default no selection means you want to show transactions with any nominal code, fund, class etc.
    The dropdown labelled "Fund Types" will allow you to select one or more fund types to limit the transactions to. The 4 fund types you can select are unrestricted, restricted, designated and endowment. The selection made also affects the individual funds you can select in the next step.
    The dropdown labelled "Funds" will show the specific funds you have set up which meet the criteria of the Fund Types you have selected. If you haven't selected any fund types funds of all types will be listed. You can select one or more of your funds to limit the transactions on the report to.
    The dropdown labelled "Classes" is similar to "Fund Types" as in it will allow you to select one or more type of nominal account. There are 6 types of nominal accounts you can select e.g. Current assets, Income, Expenditure, Liabilities, Fixed Assets and reserves.
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    Alert! If you select the class "Current Assets" in this step but select only income codes in step 7 you will always get a "No data to process" message as this is a conflicting selection.
    Like Nominal Codes and Funds you have two dropdowns for suppliers/grantors/agencies. The first allows you to select one or more types in this case Supplier, Grantors or Agencies. The second will shows you the list of the suppliers, grantors and/or agencies you have created. Depending on your selection the report will only show you transactions with a supplier,
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    Alert! If you do not select a specific supplier, grantor or agency to report on you will get all transactions that do not have a supplier, grantor or agency assigned to them in the report.
    The dropdown labelled "Entry" will allow you to select one or more sources from which a transaction can be recorded. These options relate to the menu option you selected before creating the transactions e.g. "Record Income"
    If you are looking for a transaction of a specific amount to see if it has been recorded you can use the options provided below to provide a range of amounts or the system to search. You can provide the same amount in both the from and to box.
    If you use a specific reference for transactions and want to see all transactions for that reference you can type it in here. If you do not know the full reference you can enter in one or more words and the report will show all transactions with a reference that contain those words.
    Same as the reference you can get a report of transactions with a description that contains the text you provide in the description box
    You can only use the "Compare with last year" option when you use a preloaded "This Year" option for the financial period. This will result in a different report to the one the "Transaction Listings" report will normally provide. It will contain summarised credit, debit and balance figure for each nominal account for the current year and the previous year.
    Click this radio button to show any notes in the report that you may have recorded against the transaction