Generating an Email Workflow through the Distribution Center | Scribe

    Generating an Email Workflow through the Distribution Center

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    • 2 minutes
      Navigate to the Documents tab and then to the Email Distribution Tab. From here, to generate the Email Workflow, navigate to the Distribution Center tab. This will display all Email Workflows that can be generated.
      To generate the "Email Distribution Test Workflow" that the user created, select the "Generate" button.
      After the user has selected the "Generate" button, they will see a "Workflow Tags" modal that they need to complete before they can generate the emails. The Workflow Tags displayed here, are the tags created in the Email Workflow process.
      Select a single allowed value for each listed Workflow Tag from the available items in the drop-down list. This value directs the system on what content to insert, ensuring that the emails are contextually accurate and engaging for recipients.
      After the Allowed Value has been selected, click on the "Generate Emails" button, to generate the emails.
      Click the drop-down icon next to the Email Workflow, to show the emails that have been generated.
      The emails listed here will inform the user if recipients have been linked to the email or not, if documents have been attached to the email or not, and the email status, including if the user needs to manually approve an email before sending.
      If the user selected "Approve before sending" in the Email Workflow setup, they will need to manually approve each of these listed emails before they will be able to send them.
      Click the "Preview" icon of the email that needs to be approved.
      Once the user has selected the "Preview" icon, they will be able to edit the Email Subject, see the Recipients of the emails, the attachments that are linked to the email will also be available for download. At this point the user can still edit the email template. Once they user has made any changes, they can select the "Approve" button to approve the email. The user also has the option to send the email from this screen, or send it from the main listing view.
      The user can close the preview, by selecting the 'x' icon. This will return them to the listing view of the Distribution Center.
      Once all the "Approval Required" items have been approved, the Email Status will change to "Ready to send" and the send icon next to the preview will no longer be greyed out. These items are now ready to be sent out individually or in bulk.
      If the user selects the "Preview" icon after they have approved the email and the Email Status of an item is in green with a "Ready to Send" they will be able to send the email from this screen by selecting the "Send" button.
      The user can send each email individually or bulk send emails by selecting them from the checkboxes.
      Once the user has selected multiple emails, they can navigate to the "Send" button to send the emails.
      After clicking "Send", a modal will appear on the screen, displaying the total number of emails that will be sent and requesting the user's confirmation. The user will have two options - they can either press the "Send Emails" button to proceed with the sending process or click "Cancel" to return to the listing view.
      The user can delete each email individually or bulk delete emails by selecting them from the checkboxes. Selecting the checkbox next to "Email Name" will select all the emails in the list.
      Once the user has selected multiple emails, they can navigate to the "Delete" button to delete the emails.
      After the user clicks on the "Delete" option, a modal will appear on the screen displaying the number of emails that will be deleted. The modal will also ask the user to confirm their decision. The user can proceed with deleting the emails by selecting the "Delete Emails" button on the modal. If the user changes their mind, they can select the "Cancel" button to go back to the email listing view without deleting anything.
      Once all emails have been sent out or deleted from the Workflow, the user will be able to "Generate" the workflow again. The can also click on the "Outbox" tab to view the list of emails that have been sent.
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