Geotab Custom Password Set Up | Scribe

    Geotab Custom Password Set Up

    • Tyler Watson |
    • 4 steps |
    • 13 seconds
      information ordinal icon
      Please note: Geotab is in the process of doing updates in their system so your left hand menu may look slightly different than the one pictured in the screen shots, however the tabs should still have the same name. If you menu is different, please locate the corresponding tab.
      On this box, "Force Password change on Next Log In, Click "No"
      Then you can enter any password you would like, so you can enter the same generic password each time.
      Then confirm the password again.
      Once you have done this step you can continue with the user creation as normal. They will log in with their email and the password you set, which will remain the same until they change it for themselves.