GetYourEvent - Single User guide | Scribe

    GetYourEvent - Single User guide

    • Wings Media and Technologies |
    • 14 steps |
    • 34 seconds

    Access to the Platform

    Enter your email as username and your password (if you have been provided with one by the administrator) and then click on "Sign in"
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    You need an active account to apply for accreditation: please contact the organisation if you have not been provided with one.
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    **Recovering the password** Passwords can always be recovered (also at first use) by clicking on the "forgot password" link in the login page and entering the email address associated to the account, where the password will be sent.
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    In case after the recovery procedure, you do not get an email in few minutes, please check your SPAM folder and make sure to white list emails coming from both and domains

    First Access to the Platform

    Select the event you want to apply for either by clicking on the arrow beside the events name or on the 'Not required yet' link.
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    **Do not close your browser before the entire registration process is over**, otherwise all the entered data may go lost

    1st Step – Entering Personal Data

    In the personal data page, users will have to fulfil all the compulsory fields that are marked with a red asterisk.\ Those fields not marked with an asterisk can be left unfilled.\ However for some events they might be necessary: in that case, before completing the accreditation users who left them not filled will be required to complete the information.\ Once every compulsory field is filled, users can click on "Next"

    2nd Step – Inserting Company Data

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    The second step of the procedure is about the information concerning the company user belongs to.
    Enter the data of your media: if the media you belong to has already been entered in the system by previous users, you will find the rest of its data prefiilled (please contact the event organiser to change pre-registered media data, if they are wrong)
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    Data required for Company may be different depending on the profile the user has. In certain cases, only the name of the Company is required

    3rd Step – Uploading ID Photo

    Users will be asked to upload an ID photo by browsing their computer hard disc. The picture must be a head shot in .jpg format, and should not exceed 1.5 MB. After uploading the picture, that you can check in the preview, click on "Next"

    4th Step – Subscription to Communication Services

    Some event offer a multiplatform messaging services.\ Once the choice about its acceptance are made, users can click on next to finally reach the section where they can apply for accreditation

    Application (Accreditation Request)

    After completing the Communication Services step, users will reach a page displaying all the events in the platform, available for accreditation. If the page does not display any event, there are currently no available events. You can either click on the arrow beside the events name or on the 'Not required yet' link to apply.