Get a Quote - Conversion Personal Health Plan | Scribe

    Get a Quote - Conversion Personal Health Plan

    • 41 seconds
    • BluecrossBluecross
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    The [Conversion plan]( offers guaranteed coverage when the applicant and/or their eligible dependent(s) are **leaving their Group or Employer benefits or a personal health plan from another provincial Blue Cross**. This plan must be applied for **within 60 days** of termination of coverage to be eligible. Common Conversion eligibility sceneries include: - Job loss - Lay off - Retirement - Dependent has reached their age of eligibility under their parents’ group/employee coverage - Temporary leave of absence where benefits will not extend (i.e., maternity leave) - Recently moved to Saskatchewan from another province If the applicant would like to add the Core Health or Prescription Drug benefits and did not hold the coverage on their previous plan, they will be required to fill out the medical questionnaire for review. A medical questionnaire is not required when adding Dental or VIP Travel benefits. If your customer does not apply within 60 days of leaving their previous coverage, they will no longer qualify to purchase a Conversion Plan. However, they will have the opportunity to apply for a Blue Choice or Guaranteed Acceptance Personal Health Plan. Applicants must be residents of Saskatchewan and hold valid Saskatchewan Health coverage.
    Navigate to []( **login** to your Personal Health Plan Advisor Portal
    Click **"Quote"** under the **Personal Health Plans** tile to get started.
    Click the **"Conversion"** tile to generate a Conversion plan quote
    Click the **dropdown menu** and select the customers **age band** **Age:** - To be eligible to apply for a Personal Health Plan, the applicant (policyholder) must be at least 18 years of age - Age bands are categorized in increments of 10 years - Personal Health Plans premiums are based on the *eldest* individual applying for coverage, not necessarily the policyholder’s age
    Click the **dropdown menu** and select the customers **family status** ### **Family Status:** **Single:** Applying for 1 person **Couple:** Applying for 2 people - Married couple - Common-law Spouse – residing with the Policyholder for at least twelve (12) months and is publicly represented as such - Parent/legal guardian/adoptive parent and one dependent - **Dependent:** - Child up to the age of 18, - Student enrolled in full-time accredited courses up to age 25 - Physically/mental disabled unable to leave the policyholder care can remain on a policy indefinitely **Family:** Applying for 3 or more people on a policy
    Click **"Learn more about optional coverage add-ons here"** for information on the benefits included and optional benefits available with the Conversion Plan
    Click **"Learn more about optional coverage add-ons here"** for information on the benefits included and optional benefits available with the Conversion Plan
    Add and remove desired coverages to see the customer quote and adjustments in realtime
    Click **"EMAIL QUOTE"** yourself a copy of the customer's quote and include their name to help keep your records organized
    Click **"EMAIL QUOTE"** yourself a copy of the customer's quote and include their name to help keep your records organized
    Click **"APPLY NOW"** to continue to the online application tool.