Getting Started with Google Cloud Run V2 | Scribe

    Getting Started with Google Cloud Run V2

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 39 steps |
    • 4 minutes
    • Google CloudGoogle Cloud
    Sign in into the **Google Cloud Platform**
    Type **Cloud Run** in the search bar and click on the **Cloud Run** option.
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    **What is Cloud Run?**\ \ **Cloud Run** is a fully managed serverless compute platform on Google Cloud that allows you to run containerized applications in a scalable and cost-efficient way. You deploy your containers, and Cloud Run automatically handles scaling, load balancing, and infrastructure management. It provides pay-as-you-go pricing, scaling from zero to hundreds or thousands of instances based on demand, and supports both HTTP-triggered and background processing tasks.
    **Cloud Run** wizard will open, click on the **CREATE SERVICE** button on the top left side
    **Create service** wizard will open, select the option **Deploy one revison from an existing container image**
    Scroll to the **Container image URL** section and click on the **SELECT** button
    On the right side **Select container image** wizard will open, click on the **Demo containers** dropdown option
    Select the option **hello**
    Click on the **SELECT** button
    Scroll to the **Service name** section and type "**my-first-cloud-run-service**"
    Scroll to the **Authentication** section and select the **Allow unauthenticated invocations** radio button
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    **What is the Allow unauthenticated invocations option in Authentication?**\ \ The **Allow unauthenticated invocations** option in **Authentication** enables public access to your Cloud Function, meaning that it can be invoked by anyone without requiring authentication. This is useful for publicly accessible functions like webhooks or APIs but may expose the function to unauthorized use if not properly secured.
    Scroll to the **CPU allocation and pricing** section and select the **CPU is only allocated during request processing** radio button
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    **What is CPU is only allocated during request processing option?**\ \ The **CPU is only allocated during request processing** option in Cloud Run means that the CPU resources are provided only while the application is actively handling requests. When there are no incoming requests, CPU allocation is reduced to minimize costs. This option helps optimize resource usage and billing by ensuring that you only pay for CPU time when your application is actively processing data.
    Scroll to the **Maximum number of instances** text input field and enter "**0**"
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    **What is the Minimum number of instances option in Service autoscaling?**\ \ The **Minimum number of instances** option in **Service autoscaling** specifies the minimum number of instances that should be running for a service at all times, regardless of the current traffic or load. This setting ensures that there is always a baseline level of capacity available to handle incoming requests, which helps maintain performance and reduce latency during periods of low or no traffic.
    Scroll to the **Ingress control** section and select the **All** radio button
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    **What is Ingress control?**\ \ **Ingress control** refers to the management and configuration of how incoming network traffic is allowed to access services or applications within a cloud environment. It involves setting rules and policies for routing, load balancing, and securing external requests that reach your applications. Ingress control helps ensure that traffic is properly directed, balanced, and protected from unauthorized access or attacks.
    Scroll the page and click on the **CREATE** button
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    Congratulations! on successfully creating a Service in the Google Cloud Run!