Getting a Permalink in Proquest Databases | Scribe

    Getting a Permalink in Proquest Databases

    • Alex |
    • 4 steps |
    • 17 seconds
    • ProquestProquest
    Navigate to any Proquest database through UNB Libraries, such as Proquest Nursing & Allied Health: [](
    information ordinal icon
    Tip! Look at the top left corner of the database to see if it's a Proquest one. Proquest databases will all look and search the same, and should say "Proquest" in the top corner.
    Type your search terms, like "nursing shortage" as an example. Click search to retrieve search results.
    Find a relevant article from the results that you want to use for your assignment and click on the title
    Click the "Copy URL" icon at the top right hand side of the page to copy the permalink for this article. Paste this link to use in a citation or to share with someone so they'll be able to access this record themselves. Databases are only active for a period of time so if you copy the url from the main browser page it won't work later.