Gmail: Forwarding, Replying, Reply All and BCC | Scribe

Gmail: Forwarding, Replying, Reply All and BCC

  • Kellyclare Gardner |
  • 0 step |
  • 32 seconds
    **Open Message:** Click on any message
    **Click Reply or Forward:** \ Use **"Reply"** to write back to only the person who sent the message. \ Use **"Forward"** to send the message you have selected and any previous replies to the address you choose.
    **If Forwarding Add in Address:** add any addresses you would like to forward your message to.
    Tip! When forwarding, be mindful to protect student information and not to send sensitive information to other families (Including student login information)
    **Click Send**
    **Tip!** Always double-check the address you are replying to before sending, in case you are responding to a **"reply"** on a group message. \ \ **Example:** you get an all staff email about a meeting and someone replies with a question. If you are looking at their question and hit reply, you may accidentally reply to just them, not the person who sent the original message.
    **Reply All:** this option will send a reply to *everyone* who was sent the original message. \ \ "Reply All" should only be used when all recipients need to see your reply. If not, we recommend using "Reply" to prevent extra emails being sent by mistake.
    **Edit and Send:** Add in your reply and click send to send your message\ (Look at the top of the email to double check who the message is being sent to)
    **Tip! How to prevent "Reply All"** **when sending group messages.** \ This is a great option for sending messages to families **BCC (Blind Carbon Copy):** This option hides the list of emails that the message is sent to. To use, just put all recipient addresses in "BCC" section and add your own email in the "To" field.
    **Click Compose**
    **Add Your Email Address in the "To" Field:** This will be the email address that shows when anyone clicks "Reply" to your message.
    **Click BCC:** At the top right corner of the email, click the BCC button to show the BCC and CC fields.
    **Add Addresses in BCC:** Add in your addresses or mailing list to the BCC section
    **Edit Message and Click Send**
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