GoGuardian - Excluding Students from a Session | Scribe

    GoGuardian - Excluding Students from a Session

    • Ashli Baker |
    • 3 steps |
    • 31 seconds
    • GoGuardianGoGuardian
    information ordinal icon
    If a student is out for multiple days, you'll need to exclude them each time you run a GoGuardian session.
    Open your GoGuardian and start your class. Select the student to exclude. Click "Exclude from session"
    Verify the correct student(s) is selected and then click "Exclude students"
    information ordinal icon
    If the student returns while the GoGuardian class is active, click the "Re-include Student" button on the tile.
    Click "Re-include Student" to add the student back to your GoGuardian class session.