Go Serverless with Azure Functions | Scribe

Go Serverless with Azure Functions

  • Hafeez Baig |
  • 17 steps |
  • 2 minutes
  • AzureAzure
Sign in into the **Microsoft Azure Portal**
Type **Function App** in the search bar and click on the **Function App** to view the Function App dashboard
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**What is Function App?**\ \ A Function App in Azure is a service for hosting and running serverless functions. It allows developers to execute code in response to events without managing infrastructure, providing scalability, reliability, and integrated development tools.
On the **Function App** dashboard, click on the **Create** button on the left side
**Create Function App** wizard will open, click on the **Consumption** option
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**What is Consumption option in Azure Function App?**\ \ The Consumption option in an Azure Function App is a pricing plan where you pay only for the compute resources used during the execution of your functions. It automatically scales to meet demand, handling the infrastructure management and scaling, which helps optimize costs by charging based on actual usage rather than pre-allocated resources.
Scroll the page and click on the **Select** button
On the **Create Function App** wizard, click on the **Resource group** dropdown and select the resource group **computer-rg** option **Note:** If you do not have a Resource group, you can create one by clicking on the **Create new** link option
Scroll to the **Function App name** and give Name as - "**my-function-app-in28minutes-new**"
Select the option **Node.js** for the **Runtime stack**
Scroll to the **Operating System** section, select the option **Linux** and click on the **Review + create** button
Review the **Function App** details
Scroll the page and click on the **Create** button
After the deployment is complete, click on the **Go to resource** button
Click on the **Overview** from the left bar
Click on the **Functions** tab to create functions using **VS Code Desktop** or **CLI**
Locate the **URL** on the right side and click on the copy widget
Open any browser and paste the link in new tab
**Microsoft Azure Your Functions 4.0 app is up and running**
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Congratulations on completing this lab and Understanding Serverless with Azure Functions! Good Job!