Google Calendar Helpful Tips | Scribe

    Google Calendar Helpful Tips

      • Google CalendarGoogle Calendar
      • Google SitesGoogle Sites

      Different Views

      **Different Views** Navigate to <>\ You can easily switch between different views in Google Calendar to fit your scheduling needs. Click the drop down menu at the top-right corner of your calendar to toggle between views. The options are: **Day, Week, Month, or Year**. You can also choose the **Schedule** view to see a list of upcoming events. Pick the view that works best for you, and quickly navigate through your calendar with ease.

      Search Bar

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      Use the **search bar** in Google Calendar to quickly find any event without scrolling through your entire schedule!
      **Search Bar** Navigate to [ ]('s so many things on your Google Calendar, you might not know there's a search function! Click the **search icon** to reveal the **search bar**.
      **Search Bar**

Navigate to [ ]('s so many things on your Google Calendar, you might not know there's a search function! Click the **search icon** to reveal the **search bar**.

      Color Code Events

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      Use **color coding** in Google Calendar to visually organize your day by class, meetings, and prep time making your schedule easier to read at a glance. Then, check **Time Insights** to see how much time you're spending on each task so you can adjust and balance your week.
      **Color Code Events** Navigate to <>Click on an event that is already created, click the **Edit Event** button. When you're making a new event, you can do the same thing to color code it.
      Right next to the date, you'll see the option to change the color. Click the drop down menu.
      Pick the color you'd like for the event to appear on your calendar. To assign labels to the colors, click the **+**. A pop-up will appear for you to add or edit the labels. Once you're done, click **Save** and you're all set!
      Once your labels are set up, you can utilize the **Time Insights** feature of your calendar. Hover over the bar graph to view where all your time is spent. If you're wanting more data to make your time more efficient, click the **More Insights** button for a data dive.

      Subscribe To The PD & Connected Community Calendar

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      PLI offers multiple Professional Development events that can support your teaching in different areas. You can find all the details—dates, times, and meeting links—inside the [Innovation Insider]( For easy access and to have everything synced to your time zone, you can add these events to your Google Calendar. Keep in mind, this won't automatically mark you as attending the meetings. It simply adds the shared calendar to yours, which you can turn on or off as needed.
      **Subscribe To The PD & Connected Community Calendar** Navigate to <>
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      Alert! You must be logged into your ProxLearn Google account to be able to view the Innovation Insider. Failure to do so will prevent you from viewing any content.
      Click **Professional Development** from the top right corner.
      Click **+Google Calendar**
      Click **Add**
      Navigate to <> The newly added calendar will appear under **Other Calendars**.

      Subscribe To The Office Hours Calendar