Google Chrome Clear Cache | Scribe

    Google Chrome Clear Cache

    • GoogleGoogle
    • ChromeChrome
    • FivestartechFivestartech
    With your Chrome browser open use these short cut keys and skip to step 5 Windows - [[Shift]] + [[Ctrl]] + [[Delete]] Mac - [[Shift]] + [[Cmd]] + [[Delete]] Chromebook - [[Shift]] + [[Ctrl]] + [[Backspace]]
    Click the [[Kebab Menu Button]]
    Click [[Settings]]
    Click [[Privacy and security]]
    Click [[Clear browsing data]]
    Click [[Advanced]]
    Chang Time range to [[All time]]
    Make sure these three are selected [[Cookies and other side data]] [[Cached images and files]] [[Site settings]]
    Click [[Clear data]]
    Restart Google Chrome after completing these steps.
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