Guide to Adding Expense Explanations and Uploading Receipts in Ribbon for Visa cards | Scribe

    Guide to Adding Expense Explanations and Uploading Receipts in Ribbon for Visa cards

    • Sydney Grote |
    • 18 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • GetribbonGetribbon
    • RibbonRibbon
    • StripeStripe

    Regular Expenses

    Click "BANKING"
    Click "Overview"
    Select the drop down under "Date Range."\ Click "All Time"
    Select the drop down under "Date Range."\
Click "All Time"
    alert ordinal icon
    If you do not select "All Time," you may miss receipts that are outstanding, but still impacting the hold on your account.
    Click on the Filter button.
    Click on the dropdown menu for "All transactions."
    Click "Expenses Missing Receipts"
    alert ordinal icon
    This shows the number of expenses missing receipts. This list should be empty! If it is not, you need to upload receipts and provide expense explanations.
    Click on one of the expenses missing receipts.
    A pop-up will display where you can provide your expense explanation. When you've completed the text, hit "Save Memo." The expense explanation needs to answer *why* the purchase was necessary in order to be sufficient!
    Click "UPLOAD RECEIPTS" to upload the receipt/invoice paid.
    Click back onto the "main screen" and wait for it to refresh. That expense will automatically disappear from view.
    When all receipts have been uploaded, your screen should look like this!

    Monthly Maintenance Expenses (if applicable)

    information ordinal icon
    If you use a Ribbon debit card to pay the monthly maintenance expense, this is how you can find those receipts in order to upload them for these missing expenses.
    If there are missing receipts for the monthly maintenance receipt, the description will be an iteration of the following screenshot. Take note of the dates of the missing receipts so that you can download the ones that you need all at once.
    To find the receipts, click on the person icon at the top.
    Click "Account Settings"
    Click on BILLING.