Guide to Adding Outcomes to Rubrics in Canvas | Scribe

    Guide to Adding Outcomes to Rubrics in Canvas

    • Valerie Barbaro |
    • 16 steps |
    • 2 minutes
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    From your Canvas dashboard, navigate to the course you would like to add program outcomes to.
    Select "Outcomes" from the course navigation on the left.
    Select "Find." Note that you can also import outcomes (this requires following a specific CSV format) or create your own.
    On the left under Outcome Groups, you will see the Outcomes you have access to.
    When the arrow next to the Outcome Group is pointing left (versus down), it means there are more options nested within. Click the arrows until they face downward to see all options available to you.
    In this example, we are selecting the "Library - Info Lit" Outcome Group.
    For each outcome you wish to add to your course, select the "+Add" button next to the outcome. "
    Click "Done" when you are finished. Know that you can always revisit the Outcomes tab and add more outcomes later if you missed any.
    Now that the Outcomes are in your course, you can add them to rubrics, which can be used when assessing written assignments, projects, presentations, discussion forums, or any other activity where rubrics can be attached.
    To add to a rubric, select "Rubrics" from the course navigation menu.
    You can add outcomes to an existing rubric or create a new rubric. Select the rubric you wish to add the outcome to, or if there is no grading rubric for the assignment but you still wish to assess learning outcomes, you can create a new rubric by selecting "+Add Rubric."
    To add an outcome, select "Find Outcome."
    information ordinal icon
    You cannot attach more than one rubric to an assignment, so if there is a grading rubric, the outcomes will be added to it versus being a rubric on their own.
    Select the folder that houses the outcome you wish to add.
    Select the outcome you wish to add.
    **IMPORTANT** Scroll down until you are beneath the outcome and UNCHECK "Use this criterion for scoring" field.
    alert ordinal icon
    If you do not uncheck the "Use this criterion for scoring" box, Canvas will add the point value of the outcome to the overall score on the rubric. Thus, if you had a 20-point assignment and you add a 4-point outcome without unchecking this box, you will now have a 24-point rubric. There is no way to edit this once it's been done--you would need to delete the outcome from the rubric and readd it with the box unchecked to eliminate these 4 points from the rubric.
    Select "Import" when done, and voila--the outcome has been added to the rubric.