Guide to Advancing Your Career Pathway Certificate | Scribe

    Guide to Advancing Your Career Pathway Certificate

    • Edie Prino |
    • 8 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • WvregistryWvregistry
    • WvstarsWvstars
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    When you advance your level, you automatically renew your Career Pathway Certificate for another 3 years as well. If you are advancing your level, you will need to have your supporting documentation saved in a digital format on your computer to be able to submit it for processing.
    Navigate to [](
    Click "**Professionals**"
    Scroll down to *Applications and Forms* and select the **Career Pathway Level Advancement Application**, this is a fillable PDF that you will need to complete and then save it to your computer to upload it into your registry account along with your supporting documentation.
    You will now need to login to your registry account; enter your *Login ID* and *Password*, then click **Submit.**
    You will now need to login to your registry account; enter your *Login ID* and *Password*, then click **Submit.**
    Once logged in to your account click on My Profile and click "**6\. Career Pathway Credential Application Submission**". Click "**6\. Career Pathway Credential Application Submission**"
    Once logged in to your account click on My Profile and click "**6\. Career Pathway Credential Application Submission**".
Click "**6\. Career Pathway Credential Application Submission**"
    Click on the drop-down menu and select Career Pathway Credential. You will then see the words ***Upgrade/Renew*** to the right of your screen, click on it to open the submission boxes. \*Please note, if it is past your renewal date, then it will say *Apply, but as long as you are within your 6-month grace period you are eligible to advance*.
    Click on the drop-down menu and select Career Pathway Credential. You will then see the words ***Upgrade/Renew*** to the right of your screen, click on it to open the submission boxes. \*Please note, if it is past your renewal date, then it will say *Apply, but as long as you are within your 6-month grace period you are eligible to advance*.
    **Professional Development** – this is where you will submit your Level Advancement Application and supporting documents (resume, transcripts, Department of Labor Certificate, etc.). - Click on **Add New** - Click on **Upload** to select your application and supporting document(s) from your computer. - Click on **Save** – you will know you did it correctly as under Verification it will show as pending.
    **Professional Development** – this is where you will submit your Level Advancement Application and supporting documents (resume, transcripts, Department of Labor Certificate, etc.).

- Click on **Add New**
- Click on **Upload** to select your application and supporting document(s) from your computer.
- Click on **Save** – you will know you did it correctly as under Verification it will show as pending.
    Click **Update Information**.
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    Timeline for Review – 30 days - Once your documentation has been reviewed and approved WV STARS staff will send you an email letting you know of your approval and new level. If your level advancement application was not approved, then you will be sent an email letting you know what is needed to complete your advancement. - Your official Career Pathway Certificate will be mailed to the address listed on your profile.
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    [[This program is being presented with financial assistance as a grant from the West Virginia Department of Health and the West Virginia Department of Human Services and is administered by West Virginia Early Childhood Training Connections and Resources, a program of River Valley Child Development Services]]