HCSC (BCBS TX, IL, MT, NM, OK): Transfer Instructions | Scribe

    HCSC (BCBS TX, IL, MT, NM, OK): Transfer Instructions

    • Byron Edwards |
    • 8 steps |
    • 39 seconds
    • HcscHcsc
    Navigate to your Blue Access Portal (BAP) and log in. <https://www.bcbsil.com/producer/resources/other-resources/blue-access-for-producers-login> - You can also login to BAP by each state if the above link does not direct you to the state: - BCBS-TX <https://www.bcbstx.com/producer/login> - BCBS - IL <https://www.bcbsil.com/producer/login> - BCBS- MT <https://www.bcbsmt.com/producer/login> - BCBS- OK <https://www.bcbsok.com/producer/login> - BCBS- NM <https://www.bcbsnm.com/producer/login> If you don't know your password, go through the Sign Up flow (instructions here: <https://scribehow.com/shared/HCSC_Portal_Sign_Up__PRTLa569Rpquj-0wep-T-Q>)
    If you are appointed in several states. You will need to do complete these steps. Select the state you are transferring.
    Click "Producer Services"
    Click "Change My GA Affiliation"
    Download the "Producer Affiliation Change/Letter of Intent" and complete the entire document. ***Do not leave blank fields or BCBS may reject your transfer.***
    Enter the following information: - New GA ID for Texas --&gt; 107864471 - New GA ID for other states --&gt; see below! - New GA Name --&gt; Spark Insurance Services LLC - New GA NPN --&gt; 19742285 - Procuder's ID --&gt; your ID; if unknown enter NPN - Producer's Name --&gt; your name! - If you have an agency, enter both. Then select "choose file" and upload the completed "Producer Affiliation Change/ Letter of Intent you downloaded and complete in Step 4. BCBS IL 107882555 BCBS TX 107864471\ BCBS MT 107882556\ BCBS NC A0037265\ BCBS NM 107872493\ BCBS OK 107882557 Enter this reason for changing uplines: *I am requesting to move my agency affiliation to get additional support with contracting, compliance, marketing and enrollment -- I am seeking more advanced digital capabilities that are currently lacking at my current upline. My new upline has a comprehensive platform to assist with running my business.*
    Attach the completed Affiliation Change Form and upload the document
    Click Submit. You should receive an email notification. We'll then follow up with the carrier!