Harnessing Acume's Approval Rules: A Guide to Streamlined Decision-Making | Scribe

Harnessing Acume's Approval Rules: A Guide to Streamlined Decision-Making

  • Addy S |
  • 0 seconds

    In the realm of business operations, efficient approval processes are essential for maintaining control, compliance, and smooth operations. Acume empowers you to manage approval workflows effectively through its intuitive Approval Rules feature. Here's when and how to utilise it for maximum benefit:

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    Scenario: Your business encounters transactions of varying values, and you want to establish customised approval thresholds.
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    Activate auto-approval for transactions up to a certain value. This feature expedites the decision-making process for lower-value transactions, allowing swift progression. For larger transactions, approval can be carried out, ensuring meticulous oversight.
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    Different customers or suppliers require distinct approval guidelines based on your business relationships.
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    Create Customer or Supplier approval rules tailored to specific contacts. Use the drop-down menu to select the relevant party, enabling you to establish customised approval criteria for individual clients or suppliers.
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    Your organisation follows a structured approval hierarchy involving multiple stakeholders.
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    Utilise the "And" and "Then" options to accommodate multi-step approval sequences. The "And" option ensures that both designated approvers need to provide consent, while the "Then" option arranges sequential approvers for precise decision-making.
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    Your approval process hinges on varying conditions such as transaction value or urgency.
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    Choose between "upto" and "any" conditions based on your needs. The "upto" option allows you to set specific value-based approval conditions, while the "any" condition provides flexibility in approval thresholds.
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    Your business requires specialised approval rules aligned with GL codes, cost centres, or specific projects.
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    Leverage Acume's feature to establish approval rules tailored to GL codes, cost centres, or projects. This level of customisation ensures that your approval processes align with your unique business structure.
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    Managing an abundance of rules?
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    If you have multiple rules and need to establish their order of importance, simply click on the arrow icon adjacent to each rule. This function enables you to prioritises your rules according to your specific business preferences.