Hestia Retrofit platform - Getting started guide | Scribe
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Hestia Retrofit platform - Getting started guide
Khalim Conn-Kowlessar |
0 step |
2 minutes
Google Account
Navigate to [https://assessment-model-git-main-hestiahomes.vercel.app/](https://assessment-model-git-main-hestiahomes.vercel.app/)
Click "Continue with Google"
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Click on your Google account
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Click "Continue"
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You'll be able to see all of the retrofit portfolios associated with your account. Click on your portfolio.
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This page gives you an overview of your retrofit programme. The "Portfolio Summary" section provides some high level metrics. Click on "Summary" for more detailed metrics.
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This view gives you some further metrics and produces a before and after comparison so you can see the direct impact your retrofit programme will deliver.
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Click "Portfolio" to return back to the previous screen
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You can view details of an individual property by clicking on it
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You're presented with some high level property information. Click "Pre-assessment Condition Report" for a more detailed view
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This screen contains further data about the property. If a non-intrusive survey has been conducted, the results are recorded here.
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Further information is found in "General Features", and "Existing Property Features".
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In order to see the retrofit recommendations click "Retrofit Plans"
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See the plan you're interested in by clicking on "Go to plan"
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Here is the set of recommended measures for this home, that align to with your upgrade targets. The cost and impact of the retrofit, for this property, is shown here.
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In order to see the impact of a measure that has not been selected, click on it.
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Click here to select it
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Click "Save"
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By adding ventilation, the costs of this package have increased. You can select, de-select measures to see what the possible impact is.
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