Home Page Navigation | Scribe

    Home Page Navigation

      Home Page Navigation

      Once you sign into your BuildFlow you will land on your Home Page
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      **Alert! Everyone has a homepage customized to their user. No two homepages look exactly the same!**

      Active and Archived Projects

      Here you will see you Active and Archived Projects that are set as your favorite
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      **Tip! If you do not have any projects listed as favorite please click all projects and see your list of projects and click the star to add them to your home page.**
      From your Active Projects you have access to multiple functions. 1. Add a New Project (if you have permissions) 2. See all your projects 3. Jump into your favorited project
      From your Archived Projects you have access to multiple functions. 1. See all your projects 2. Jump into your favorited project

      My Ball In Court Items

      **Ball In Court Items contains all of the Items that have been assigned to you across all of the projects you are associated with.** 1. View all of your Ball In Court Items across projects. 2. View all Ball in Court Items for the project. 3. View Ball In Court Items for the project module.
      A daily morning summary email is sent when you have open Ball In Court Items across the BuildFlow Company Accounts you are associated with. 

      My Favorite Folders

      From here you can see any folder your have added to your favorite Home Page
      First click the Project Name. Then by clicking the link, This will bring you directly to that project and folder.

      My Share Links

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      **Tip! Share Links provide instant access to files that you need to reference or share with others.**
      Click "My Share Links" to view your saved File Search Share Links
      From here you can "Add Share Link" or View your saved Share Links.
      Click on the file name to view it. A BuildFlow sign in is not required to access the files in a Share Link.
