How A Coach Accesses Their Coaching Requirements (Eligibility) List | Scribe

    How A Coach Accesses Their Coaching Requirements (Eligibility) List

    • Rob Catron |
    • 9 steps |
    • 36 seconds
    • ArbitersportsArbitersports
    • BrainsharkBrainshark
    Navigate to [](
    Click "Sign in" NOTE: If you haven't received an invitation email from Arbiter, y ou will need to click on "Forgot Password" and set your password
    Go through verification steps
    Click "Verify Code"
    Click On your Account Selector/Menu
    Click Your Name Under "My Account"
    Select which sport's eligibility requirements you need to complete (if you coach multiple sports). I am am selecting Girls VB
    Click "Take Online Clinic" to take the Sport Safety Course (it is one 2.5 hour Module now).
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    Tip! A coach can also click on the Fundamentals of Coaching Link to take the Coaching Ed requirement, and any other sport-specific []( courses (Cheer/dance), Diving, Pole Vault). The rule clinic, when available will appear in the top list.
    Click Play to start the Course (the process will be the same for the online rules clinics as well).
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    Tip! Note the red bar in the left hand column. That will turn green when they complete the course (and they will be emailed their Certificate). If a coach is hearing impaired, they can click the small "paper" icon in the lower right hand side of the player to see the full transcription.