How Do I Check If a Course Has Been Approved? | Scribe

    How Do I Check If a Course Has Been Approved?

    • Stacy Price |
    • 6 steps |
    • 21 seconds
    • WvregistryWvregistry
    If you submit a course for approval and want to check the status, click "Online Training Registration"
    Click "Manage Courses"
    Click "Find Courses"
    You will see a list of all the courses you have access to. Scroll to the right of the list to see the "Publish Status" of a course. This will say "Approved and Published", "Published", "Not Published", or "Rejected".
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    If the Publish Status is "Approved and Published", this means you submitted it for approval and it was approved. "Published" means it was republished/published without being submitted for approval. "Not Published" means it has not been submitted for approval or published yet. "Rejected" means it was submitted for approval but rejected and requires you to fix something and resubmit it.
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    If rejected, you must correct any mistakes and resubmit the course before you can start creating events for it. You should receive an email when rejected, which includes what items need corrected. You can also view the rejection reasons by clicking on the course's title, selecting "Publish", then select "Submit Course Publish Approval Request". The next page will list what items need corrected and where to find more information in the relevant FAQ section:
    Once you correct the necessary items, simply resubmit for approval by selecting "Submit Course Publish Approval Request".
    You'll see a notification that course was resubmitted successfully. You may exit the course by clicking "Exit Course".