Complete an Application - Blue Choice Personal Health Plan | Scribe

Complete an Application - Blue Choice Personal Health Plan

  • 4 minutes
  • BluecrossBluecross
  • AdsrvrAdsrvr
  • ScribeScribe

About the Blue Choice Personal Health Plan

The [**Blue Choice Personal Health Plan**]( provides comprehensive and affordable coverage, tailored to meet individual needs. The plan requires a review of the applicant's current health and medical history, meaning the initial quote may change. Depending on this review, applicants might encounter higher premiums, specific benefit exclusions, or a decline in coverage. To apply, customers must complete the online application and submit all required medical history information for each applicant. Our Medical Underwriting team will assess this information to determine the risk and finalize the coverage details.

Login to your Personal Health Plan Advisor Portal

Navigate to []( Login to your Individual Advisor Portal.
Click **"Apply"** to start a new application.

Getting Started

Before getting started, please confirm that *all* applicants have provincial health coverage and currently have, or have applied for, a Saskatchewan Health Services Card. Click **"Yes"** to confirm and proceed.
Click **"No"** regarding leaving coverage to continue through the Blue Choice Personal Health Plan application path. **Note:** Click **'Yes'** when applying for a *new* **Conversion Personal Health Plan.**
Click **"No"** for adding members or dependents as we are applying for a *new* Blue Choice Plan as a *new* applicant.\ \ **Note:** Only click **'Yes'** when applying to **add a spouse or dependent child(ren)** to a policy or, applying for **optional benefits** on a policy that already is active.
Select **'Blue Choice'** to proceed through the Blue Choice Personal Health Plan application path. Click **"GET STARTED"** to proceed.
Fill out the required fields for the primary individual applying for coverage. **Note:** This individual will become the Policyholder.
How did the applicant hear about Saskatchewan Blue Cross? Let us know by selecting from the drop-down menu. If the applicant has a promo code, enter it in the **'Referral code'** field. Click **"Continue"** to proceed.

Policyholder Information

Complete the required fields for the Policyholder and click **'Save Applicant'**.

Adding a Partner

Click **'Yes'** to add a Partner to the application.\ \ **Partner:** The partner of the Policyholder by marriage or a cohabitated common-law relationship. Sometimes referred to as a Spouse.
Complete the required fields for the Partner and click **'Save Partner'**.
After clicking '**Save Partner'** a notice will appear, reminding the applicant to complete the medical questions ***ALL*** individuals listed on the application.

Adding a Dependent

Click **'Yes'** to add a dependent child to the application. **Dependent** means a Policyholder or Partner's:\ • unmarried child up to 18 years of age.\ • unmarried child up to 25 years of age who is a Full Time Student.\ • child who due to a physical or mental infirmity cannot leave the care of the Policyholder or Partner.
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