How To Concatenate In Google Sheets | Scribe

    How To Concatenate In Google Sheets

    • Alejandra Arciniegas |
    • 6 steps |
    • 22 seconds
    • Google SheetsGoogle Sheets
    Concatenating in Google Spreadsheets is quite simple. The first thing you need to do, is to navigate to Google Sheets.
    Once you open your spreadsheet, you need to select the cell in which you want to concatenate.
    Then, you should type "=concatenate", and then, click on the "CONCATENATE" option that will appear below.
    Then, click on the first cell that you want to concatenate and add a comma to separate it from the next one.
    Then, select the other cell you want. Repeat this with as many cells as you need.
    Then, type "enter" and that's all!