Tip! Newsletters are posted as articles to a section page. This tutorial assumes you have already set up a section page for this content to go in. If you want to just use the "Blog" section to house your newsletters you can forgo setting up a new section page. More on section pages: <https://docs.google.com/document/d/19QP0W1dVEAVE5B6syP_m-6kgZETI2crWBIVfQ30MRXM/edit?tab=t.0#bookmark=id.i5sxyhgzmx14>
If you haven't already created a separate section page to house your newsletter, here's more info on creating section pages: <https://docs.google.com/document/d/19QP0W1dVEAVE5B6syP_m-6kgZETI2crWBIVfQ30MRXM/edit?pli=1&tab=t.0#heading=h.qda5sz2l527w>