How To Insert a Page Break in Google Sheets | Scribe
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How To Insert a Page Break in Google Sheets

  • Alejandra Arciniegas |
  • 0 step |
  • 43 seconds
  • Google SheetsGoogle Sheets
Let's see how to insert a page break in your Google Spreadsheets. To do this, first, you need to navigate to Google Sheets.
Once you open the document you are working on, go ahead and click on "File".
Then, you should click on "Print".
Now, you should click on "SET CUSTOM PAGE BREAKS".
To insert a new page break, just click and drag the blue lines to set where you want the pages to break.
If you want to adjust a page break, click and drag the blue line to a new position. If you want to remove a page break, just drag the blue line back to the edge of the preview pane.
Once you are happy with your page breaks, just click on "confirm breaks", and print your document!
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