How To Pay School Fees using the Family Fees Wallet (as a parent) | Scribe

    How To Pay School Fees using the Family Fees Wallet (as a parent)

    • SchoolFocus EdTech Solutions |
    • 19 steps |
    • 5 minutes
    • SchoolsfocusSchoolsfocus
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    In this guide, you will learn how to find the school fees invoices of your child (or children) from your parent portal dashboard. \ You will also learn how to pay the school fees by using the fees wallet account that is dedicated to your family for fees payments.
    Navigate to your school portal's login page.\ \ Enter your login details (your registered *phone number* or *email address*, and *password*), and click '***Sign In***'.\ \ If your details are correct, you will be logged in and taken to your parent account dashboard.
    On your dashboard, scroll down to '***My Pending Payments***' section. \ Here, you'll see a slider displaying the invoices of your ward(s) that are pending payment. \ You can click the "***View Details***" button to view the details of an invoice.
    You can click the "***Pay Now***" button to proceed to pay an invoice.
    Click the "***Go to My Fees***" button under the invoices slider to navigate to your list of Fees Invoices.
    On your Invoice List page, you can see your ***Total Due Amount*** at the top-right of the page.
    At the top-left, you'll find "***My Fees Wallet Account***" button. \ \ Click the button to view your family's fees wallet bank account details (these include the account balance, bank account name, and bank account numbers).
    To add money to your fees wallet (for payment), copy any of the account numbers displayed, and make a bank transfer of the necessary amount to the account.
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    **Transfer confirmation is fully automated.**\ The fees wallet bank accounts are automated such that any payment or transfer made into any of the accounts is automatically credited to your fees wallet without any need for you to reach out to anyone at the school.
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    **NOTE:** \ Making payment into your family's fees wallet account simply funds the wallet (as you will see that in your wallet account balance), but does not automatically pay-up or clear your pending fees invoices with the money you paid in.\ This is in order to allow you choose which of your pending invoices you want to clear first (especially at times when you want to prioritize some payments or invoices).
    Click "***Close***" to close the fees wallet account details popup and return to the list of invoices.
    From the list of invoices, you can click the "***View Details***" button to view an invoice.
    To proceed to pay an invoice, click its "**Pay Now**" button.
    You may decide to add more *on-demand* items to an invoice before you finally make the payment. Such items may include optional payments set by your school (like transportation, uniforms, hostel accommodation, etc.).\ \ If you want to add any of the on-demand items to the invoice, click the "***Add Item***" button next to it.
    Click "***Proceed to Payment***"
    If your fees wallet account balance is not sufficient to pay the invoice, the system will calculate and display the minimum amount you need to add to your fees wallet in order to complete the payment.\ \ Otherwise, if your wallet balance is enough to pay the invoice, the system will also display so (and you'll be able to proceed without having to fund the wallet again).\ \ If ***part-payment*** is enabled for the invoice (by the school) and you want to pay in parts, you will be able to select the amount or items you want to pay for in the installment.
    As explained the the previous step, if there's the need to fund your fees wallet at this point, click to copy any of the wallet account numbers and make the necessary transfer to it.\ \ Once the money arrives the wallet, the system should automatically recognize that new money has been received into the wallet, and may instantly proceed.\ Alternatively, click the "***I have done the Transfer***" button to trigger the system to recheck the wallet balance.\ \ *\[Note that delay in the sending or receiving bank's networks could cause a potential delay (of a few seconds to minutes) in the money arriving the wallet\]*
    Finally, click "***Proceed***" to complete the payment and get your payment receipt.
    Upon successful payment completion, click "OK" on the notification popup.
    Click the "Print" button at the bottom of the receipt to print a copy.