START by Downloading TubeBuddy For FREE ⬇️<>
Click TubeBuddy tool
Click "SEO Studio"
Click the "Enter your Target Keyword" field and type your desired keyword
Click "START" to begin the SEO optimization process
Enter an SEO optimized title and description that checks all of TubeBuddy's boxes and gives you the highest score possible.
Click "NEXT" to begin creating the best set of tags possible
Make sure your primary keyword is your first tag, and drag it to the top left "#1" spot
Click "NEXT" to see your meta data in context next to other YouTube videos
Click "UPLOAD THUMBNAIL" to see your thumbnail vs competitors
Click "NEXT" once you are satisfied that your thumbnail will stand out vs other videos
Click "SAVE DRAFT" to save meta data for later usage. If you are optimizing an existing video you can implement this new metadata here
You'll see your draft here, and then Click "APPLIED"
In applied you see a list of all videos you have optimized using YouTube SEO Studio
Download our Full TubeBuddy Guide for FREE ⬇️\
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Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
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