How To Search For Bills With Legiscan | Scribe

    How To Search For Bills With Legiscan

    • 7 steps
    • LegiscanLegiscan
    Navigate to []( The website will require you to set up an account.
    Enter your email and select a username and password. Then Click "Create new account." LegisScan will send you an email to confirm your email address. Once you confirm your address, you will be able to use it.
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    The system requires you to select a "Home State." You will be able to search other states once your account is verified.
    Navigate to [](
    On the left-hand side, go to this dropdown menu. The state will be automatically set to your "Home State." Select the state you want to search. Click the "Bill Number:" field. Type the bill number you want to search for. In our example, we already know the bill we are searching for is HB 1467. Since the bill we are looking to find is from 2022, Click "Prior" to search only in the prior session of the Florida House session. Click "Search."
    On the left-hand side, go to this dropdown menu. The state will be automatically set to your "Home State." Select the state you want to search. 

Click the "Bill Number:" field. Type the bill number you want to search for. In our example, we already know the bill we are searching for is HB 1467. 

Since the bill we are looking to find is from 2022, Click "Prior" to search only in the prior session of the Florida House session. 

Click "Search."
    Click "[H1467 Detail]"
    Click "Latest bill text (Enrolled) [PDF]" A PDF table will open below.
    On the right are options to download or print the file.