How To Setup Notifications on OBS Equibid | Scribe

    How To Setup Notifications on OBS Equibid

    • OBS Sales |
    • 7 steps |
    • 45 seconds
    • EquibidEquibid
    • ObssalesObssales
    Navigate to []( If you are not logged in, login using your credentials.
    Click the dropdown icon next to the profile image.
    Click "Notifications"
    Follow the prompts for email notifications based on the section described on this screen. If you would like to receive Mobile SMS notifications (text messages), enter in your phone number and complete verification. \ \ To sign up for which activities to be notified by based on membership or upcoming events, click "General".
    To select when to be notified as a buyer, click "Buyer"
    On this screen, select how you would like to receive notifications based on the different type of activity that may occur during an auction. As a reminder, you must be subscribed to receive emails and/or SMS (texts) to be able to select the checkbox.
    To see more notification options, be sure to scroll down and select the checkboxes for how you wish to be notified. In the future, "Consignor" notifications will be available.