Step-by-Step Guide: How To Submit A Proposal | Scribe

Step-by-Step Guide: How To Submit A Proposal

  • Arata Goto |
  • 50 steps |
  • 6 minutes
  • SfgovSfgov
  • CityspanCityspan
  • SfmohcdSfmohcd

Set up an account

Navigate to <>
Fill out the form below to create only one account per agency for the RFP process.
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Tip! For existing MOHCD grantees, please set up a new account by following the steps described. You will not be able to access our online system using your GMS login credentials. Similarly, please do not use your GMS login username and password when setting up an account for the RFP system. If you try to log in to the RFP system using your existing GMS credentials, you will be redirected to GMS.
Fill out the fields with required information.
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Tip! When picking an user name, choose one that you are comfortable sharing with your agency staff.
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Tip! A password must be 10 characters or more. Be sure to choose one that you are comfortable sharing with your agency staff.
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Tip! Re: your organization's tax ID, there can be only one account associated with the same tax ID.
Once all fields are complete, click "CREATE ACCOUNT"
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Tip! If you see an error message, please correct the error before continuing. In the example below, error was related to the password. Update the password to make sure it is at least 10 characters.
Once you successfully set up the account, you will see a message in green "Successful Registration. Please login now with your username and password."
Click "click here to login" - this link takes you to the login page.
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Tip! You can also access the online system by directly going to <> and entering your created user name and password.
Once you are at the login page, enter your user name and password and click "ENTER SYSTEM"
Once you are at the login page, enter your user name and password and click "ENTER SYSTEM"
You will see Agency Home page once logged in.

Complete Agency Profile page

Click "Agency Profile" on Agency Home page.
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Tip! You can work on Agency Profile and proposal(s) at the same time.
Complete all the required fields under Agency Details.
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Tip! Under "I am submitting proposal(s) as a:", select what type of organization you are. You may select from the following: - For-profit organization - Community-based nonprofit under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code - Fiscally sponsored project of a 501(c)(3) community-based nonprofit - An individual - None of the above