How To Submit An Internal Facility Use Request | Scribe
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How To Submit An Internal Facility Use Request
Carrie Leffert |
0 step |
7 minutes
Navigate to [](
Click "STAFF"
Click "District Forms"
Click "Facilities Use Request"
Click this image.
The organization you belong to will show up in the drop-down.
This is a one-time setup.
\*\*\*\*You have to request to join an organization - instructions found under "Resource Links" - <>
Event Name - enter the name of event (i.e., Band Concert, PTA Meeting, etc.) This is what will be published on the calendar.
Summary - brief description of the event
Add a Full Description - (not required) if you need a longer description
Click here to add Full Description, if needed
Category - choose "Internal GPISD FUR"
Location: click on the drop-down arrow to see locations or you can begin typing the campus code/name
Click your desired location
OR click "LOCATION SEARCH" to see a full list of locations as an alternative to the drop-down arrow
Click the "Start typing Location Name to search Location Path." field.
Type in the location you are searching and "enter"
Click the location you want to schedule
Click "save SAVE"
Click on drop -down to enter Location Setup Notes
Enter setup notes, if any, here
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