How To Transfer Google Photos From One Account to Another | Scribe

How To Transfer Google Photos From One Account to Another

  • Alejandra Arciniegas |
  • 0 step |
  • 45 seconds
  • Google PhotosGoogle Photos
There are different ways to transfer photos from one Google Account to another. For the first option we are going to see, you first need to download the photos you need to move from account 1 to account 2.
Tip! You can do this by:\ \\ 1. Opening the album where the pictures are located.\\ 2. Clicking on the 3 dots in the upper-right corner. 3. Click on "Download all" if you need all the album pictures. If you don't need all, you can select the ones you want and then click on the 3 dots, and hit the "download" option.
Then, go to the account 2, the one you want to transfer the pictures to, and click on the "+" icon.
Then, click on "Import photos".
You can choose the quality you prefer. When you do this, click on "continue".
Another option to move Google Photos from one account to another, go to your albums, select the one you want to share, and click on the 3 dots.
Then, click on "Share album".
You can type the email of the other account you want to share it to, or copy the link to then paste it there! To do this, click on "create link".
And then, click on "Create link" again.
Finally, click on "Copy".
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