How To Update Referral Details | Scribe

    How To Update Referral Details

    • Tiffany Jin |
    • 12 steps |
    • 38 seconds
    • EqoreferEqorefer
    Navigate to the "Referrals" icon
    To update referral details of individual referral records, just click on the record to populate the Referral Drawer
    From the Referral Drawer, you can edit details of the referral including: 1. Deleting a referral 2. Updating the status 3. Updating the email of the Candidate 4. Connecting the Candidate record to an employee record (if Eqo has not already auto-linked) 5. Job Referred to 6. Reward Amount 7. Referred By (the employee who will get credit for the referral)
    To update the stage, you can update to any other stage in the drop-down. \*For example, if you'd like to activate and credit a referral that was autopopulated as an "Ineligible" referral, you can choose to update the stage to "Active"
    To update the email of the Candidate, click on the "Edit" icon
    Update the email and click "Save" \*Please ensure the email on the referral record is the exact primary email the Candidate used on their application. If you ever see a mismatch between the Candidate email on the referral record and the email used in the ATS application, you can update the referral record here to ensure we are correctly picking up the latest application statuses. If the email in Eqo does not match the ATS, we will be unable to accurately track the applicant's status.
    Top update the "Job Referred to", simply pick the correct Job Req. from the populated drop-down values
    To update the reward amount of the referral, toggle the "Set Manually" button
    Choose the correct "Referral Tier" value you'd like to update to
    To update the "Referred by" field if you'd like to credit a different employee for the referral, choose a value from the drop-down
    You can do a text search and choose from the populated records.
    Click "Save" to save down any details you edit in a session.