How to Create a New Project | Scribe

    How to Create a New Project

    • 29 steps
    • EcampusontarioEcampusontario
    Navigate to <>
    After logging into your account, you will land on the Dashboard page where you can create and manage projects. Click the **“New Project +” button** to create a new project.
    Select a **project type** before proceeding.
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    Tip! Click on the **"?" icon** to learn about the difference between project types. Service Provider Support (SPS) projects are for applicants who will act as the project lead on the project, have their own funding and would like to be matched with a virtual learning service provider. Project Management and Service Provider Support (PMSPS) projects are for organizations that have their own funding and would like to collaborate with eCampusOntario to produce a virtual learning project. OEX will help you define your project scope and recruit a member institution to facilitate the creation of your virtual learning resource by acting as project lead for the project.
    Click "**Continue**" **button**
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    Tip! You have the option to save a draft and return later to finish your project application.

    Project Lead

    Provide the **first and last name** of the project lead.
    Provide **name, job title, and email of signing authority** (Individual with authority to bind your institution/organization).
    Select project lead **institution/organization** from drop-down list.
    Click "**Next**" **button**

    Project Details

    Provide "**Project title**" and "**Project description**."
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    Tip! View the 'Project Application Guidelines' section of the [User Guide for Project Leads page]( for help with project application best practices.
    Select an **academic discipline** that best describes your project. If your project doesn't fall under any academic discipline, select “Support Resources”.
    Select the **project subject** that best fits your project.
    Select the **intended end-user(s)** of your project deliverable.
    Optional: Provide additional **details about your end-user**, if applicable.
    Provide **projected start and end dates.**
    Click "**Next**" **button**.