How deals move through the pipeline | Scribe

    How deals move through the pipeline

    • HubSpot Admin |
    • 7 steps |
    • 27 seconds

      Move a deal from a deal record page

      Click here
      Select the stage that you want to move the deal into
      alert ordinal icon
      Alert! Alert! Deals should always move in one direction: From left to right. They should never move backwards to data integrity. Deals should also never skip a stage. So if you need to move a deal to a stage that 2 or 3 steps forward, move the deal through the other stages on the way to the correct stage.

      Move a deal from the deals index page

      Click "Sales "
      Click "Deals"
      Drag and drop the deal you want to move into the next stage
      Drag and drop the deal you want to move into the next stage
      alert ordinal icon
      Alert! Deals should always move in one direction: From left to right. They should never move backwards to data integrity. Deals should also never skip a stage. So if you need to move a deal to a stage that 2 or 3 steps forward, move the deal through the other stages on the way to the correct stage.